
Mayor – G. David Pearl, Jr.

City Council members unanimously recommended the appointment of David Pearl as Mayor, to Governor Beshear upon receiving the resignation of the former mayor.  The Governor did act upon that recommendation and has appointed David to complete the term which expires in December of 2025.  David brings a wealth of knowledge to the city as he has been acting as the Administrative Officer for the last seven years.   David has lived in different properties in Lynnview since the early 2000’s initially on Redstart Road, and then in two different houses on Pigeon Pass Road.  He is the former owner of ERA Hometown Realty in St. Cloud, Florida.  He is the father of 3 children, Brennan, Alicia, and Jordan.  He has four grandchildren, Jack, Ava, Cora, and Amelia, which you could possibly meet at City Hall because they spend a lot of time with their “Papaw”.  He currently serves as Board Chairman for the Louisville Metro Code Enforcement Board, of which he has been a member for 8 years, and was originally appointed by then Mayor Greg Fischer.  He is the former President of Okolona VFW Auxiliary and has served as District President for the VFW Department of Kentucky for three years.  He also served on the Prosper Preston Committee which helped spearhead and develop the new Preston Corridor Plan.  He is a board member for the Preston Area Business Alliance (PABA).